Tote bags or bags with lots of pockets are a must-have in fall and winter. Today, i want to buy a louis vuitton bag. If you never tried a large bag with lots of pockets, you can have a try. If you say, you don't like big bags, we would not force you to buy one.
But our suggestion is, the larger bag you can pull-off the better. And it is quite popular in recent years among young people. If you like to catch the steps of modern society, you can't miss to buy one. It would not cost you too much money.
Tote bags keep your hands free and gives you that fashion forward look.
And next point i want to suggest is, don’t forget to accessorize. A combination of metals and jewels such as tiffany and Co chains and rhinestones are the accessories this fall. Except for the jewelry, there is scarf, watch that can be regarded as the accessories. I like accessories very much. Even your clothes or shoes are not so charming, if you add a charming, fashionable accessory, you will immediately be charming.
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