If one day, you don't have money to pay for the food because of poor condition, will you buy those luxurious tiffany jewelry or designer clothing? I saw some people like it. There is money for a rice at home, and his mom and dad is worried about the food and living. However, their children is still buying those expensive clothes and cosmetics. They're really funny. Their behavior is extremly ridiculous. They don't know to save. And they don't care about his parents and brothes and sisters. At least, this kind of people can't be accepted by me.
In fact, sometimes, saving is a way of art in our life. They teach us the happiness that saving bring to us. Saving lets us know that even leading the simple, light life, we also can be happy. We can own the happy, free times which really belongs to us. Maybe, this is the happiness of the poor.
If in the times of crisis, when people don’t have money to put food on their tables, and all they did is brag about their designer clothes and jewelry. How do you think of this phenomenon? World like this is lamentable. How about your opinion?
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